Généalogie and Heritage



Type Valeur



Scotts Peerage Volume 7
The Ancient Earls of Ross
Pages 235 to 237





Pages 235 to 237

He [William de Ross] died at Delny 28 January 1322-23, 3 having married a lady named Euphemia, who warmly supported the English party. 4 He left issue : —
1. Hugh, his heir.
2. Sir John Ross, who married Margaret Comyn, second
daughter and coheiress of John, Earl of Buchan. (See that title.) He had with her a half of the Earl of Buchan’s heritage in Scotland. 5 Dying s.p., the lands passed to his nephew, William, Earl of Ross.
3. Sir Walter , who was a scholar at Cambridge 1306, and
on 4 June 1307 received a gift of 10 marks from King Edward.® He appears in 1312 as a witness to a charter by Henry Maule to John of Glasreth. 7 According to Barbour he was the friend of Edward Bruce, and fell at Bannockburn 23 June 1314.
4. Isabella , who obtained a dispensation from Pope
John xxii., dated at Avignon, 1 June 1317, to marry Edward Bruce, Earl of Carrick, connected within the third and fourth degrees of affinity. He fell at the battle of Dundalk, s.p.Z., 5 October 1318. The mar- riage probably never took place.
5. Dorothea , said to have been married to Torquil
M‘Leod, second of Lewis.
IV. Hugh, fourth Earl of Ross. On 14 December 1307 he was asked to obey the Earl of Richmond as Warden. 8 Robert i. gave to Sir Hugh de Ross, knight, son and heir of William, Earl of Ross, the sheriffship and Burgh of Crum- bathy, or Cromartie, 5 December 1316 ; 9 the third part of the fermes of Kirkcudbright was assigned to him. 10 He obtained, by various charters from the King, 11 the lands of
1 Cal . Doc . Scot., iv. 399. * Acta Pari . Scot , i. 463, 474. 3 Kalendar of Fearn . 4 Cal. Doc. Scot., ii. No. 920; also see Stevenson’s Hist Docs., ii.
6 Robertson’s Index, ii. 44. 6 Cal. Doc . Scot., ii. No. 1937. 7 Reg. de
Panmure, ii. 160. « Cal. Doc. Scot., iii, 29. 9 Exch. Rolls, i. p. lxxxi.
10 Ibid., 356. 11 Robertson’s Index, 2, 56, 58, 59, 60.

Skye, Strathglass, Strathconan, etc. He succeeded to the title apparently on 28 January 1322-23, but certainly before 28 March 1324, when, as Hugh, Earl of Ross, he witnessed a charter of King Robert i. to Thomas de Carnoto. 1 The same year he was one of the guarantors of the marriage articles of Prince David of Scotland and the Princess Johanna of England. 2 Hugh, Earl of Ross, renounced to the King the advocation of the church of Philorth, in Buchan, 29 March 1330. 3 At the battle of Halidon Hill, near Berwick, fought on 19 July 1333, he led the reserve to attack the wing which Baliol commanded, but his troops were driven back and he himself slain. 4 The English found on his body the shirt of St. Duthace, supposed to possess miraculous powers, and restored it to the sanctuary at Tain.
He married, first, in 1308, Lady Maud Bruce, sister of the King. 6 By her he had issue
1. William.
2. John, son of late Hugh, Earl of Ross; died 27 May 1364.
3. Marjory , married, as his second wife, before 1334, to Malise, Earl of Strathearn, Caithness, and Orkney. 7

The Earl of Ross married, secondly, before 24 November 1329, Margaret, daughter of Sir David Graham of Old Montrose; 8 dispensation granted at Avignon, on the discovery, long after they were married and had issue, of a canonical impediment, and legitimating the children. 8 She was married again, in 1341, to John de Barclay. 10 By her the Earl had issue : —
4. Hugh of Rariehies, first of Balnagown.
5. Euphemia , married, first, to John Randolph, third Earl of Moray, who fell at the battle of Durham, s.p., 17 October 1346; secondly, as his second wife, to Robert, Earl of Strathearn, afterwards King Robert II;

1 Drummond Writs, facsimile in the Irvines of Drum , by Col, Forbes
Leslie, 20. 2 Fcedtra , Record ed., ii. 3 Acta Pari. Scot., i. 511. 4 Exch .
Bolls, i. cxliv. 6 Robertson’s Index, 2, 49 ; Exch . Bolls, i. pref, Ixix ;
The Book of Pluscarden , ii. 103. 6 Kalendar of Feam. 7 See voL ii.
320, ante . 8 Eocch. Bolls, iv. pp. cIy, clvi. 9 The Earls of Boss, F. L. Reid.
10 It has been stated that in 1348 she was married to John de Moravia,
but he married Margaret Graham of Menteith ; see that title.

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dispensation granted by Pope Innocent vi., at Avignon, 2 May 1355. 1
6. Janet , married, first, to Monymusk of that Ilk ; and, secondly, to Sir Alexander Murray of Drumsergarth. An indenture was executed at Perth, 24 November 1375, between Queen Euphemia and her son Earl David of the one part, and Alexander Murray of Drumsergarth of the other part, agreeing that Alex- ander Murray should marry Lady Janet de Mony- muske, sister of the Queen, who with the Earl promised to assist him in recovering his inheritance, and that Walter Murray, brother to Alexander, should, if he pleased, marry the elder daughter of Lady Janet. 2
7. Lilias , said to be married to William Urquhart, Sheriff of Oromartie, but no corroborative evidence has been found.