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Source: "Dictionary of National Biography, vol 58": UHTRED or UCHTRED (d. 1016)


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Titre "Dictionary of National Biography, vol 58": UHTRED or UCHTRED (d. 1016)


hosted on Google Books
Title The Dictionary of National Biography
Volume 58 of Dictionary of National Biography, Sir Leslie Stephen
Editor Sir Leslie Stephen
Contributor Sir Sidney Lee
Publisher Macmillan, 1899




p16-17, details of Uhtred and wives, children, titles, etc.

"UHTRED or UCHTRED d 1016 Earl of Northumbria was son of the elder earl of Northumbria who had of the government of Deira Yorkshire the southern part of the earldom Uhtred helped Ealdhun or Aldhun of Durham when in 995 he moved his from Chester le Street to prepare the site for his new church He married the bishop's daughter Ecgfrida and received with her six estates belonging to the bishopric on condition that as long as he lived he should keep her in honourable wedlock When in 1006 the Scots invaded Northumbria under their king Malcolm II d 1034 qv and besieged Durham Waltheof who was old and unfit for war shut himself up in Bam borough but Uhtred who was a valiant warrior went to the relief of his father in law the bishop defeated the Scots and slew a great number of them Ethelred II 968 P 1016 qv on hearing of Uhtred's success gave him his father's earldom adding to it the government of Deira Uhtred then sent back the bishop's daughter restoring the estates of the church that he had received with her and married Sigen the daughter of a rich citizen probably of York or Durham named Styr Ulfson receiving her on condition that he would slay her father's deadly enemy Thurbrand He did not fulfil this condition and seems to have parted with Sigen also for as he was of great service to the king in war Ethelred gave him his daughter Elgiva or Flfgifu to wife When Sweyn qv king of Denmark sailed into the Humber in 1013 Uhtred promptly submitted to him but when Canute qv asked his aid in 1015 he returned it is said a lofty refusal declaring that so long as he lived he would keep faithful to Ethelred his lord and father in law He joined forces with the king's son Edmund in 1016 and they ravaged the shires that refused to them against the Danes Finding however that Canute was threatening York hastened northwards and was forced submit to the Danish king and give hostages Canute bade him come to him a place called Wiheal possibly Wighill Tadcaster and instructed or allowed enemy Thurbrand to slay him there was entering into the presenceof a body of armed men of Canute emerged from behind a curtain slew him and forty thegns who and cut off their heads He was succeeded in his earldom by Canute's brother in law Eric and on Eric's banishment came to Uhtred's brother Cutel who had probably ruled the part of it under Eric By Ecgfrida Uhtred had a son named Eal dred or Aldred who succeeded his uncle Eadwulf Cutel in Bernicia the northern of Northumbria slew his father's murderer Thurband and was himself slain by Thur brand's son Carl he left five daughters of whom named Elfleda became the wife Earl Siward qv and the mother of VValtheof qv By Ethelred's Elgiva Uhtred had a daughter named Ald gythor Eadgyth who married Maldred became the mother of Gospatric or Cos patric earl of Northumberland qv also had two other sons Eadwulf who succeeded his brother Ealdred as earl in Bernicia and was slain by Siward and Gospatric His wife Ecgfrida married after he had repudiated her and had daughter named Sigrid who had three husbands one of them being this last Eadwulf the son of her mother's husband Ecgfrida was again repudiated returned her father became a nun and died and buried at Durham (on these northern marriages see Robertson's Essays p 172)."