Généalogie and Heritage



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HUMPHREY [I] de Bohun [Bohon, in Normandy], son of --- (-after 1092). A manuscript which narrates the descents of the founders of Lanthony Abbey records that “dominus Hunfredus de Bohun, cum barba” accompanied William “the Conqueror” to England, adding that he was “cognatus” of William[416]. "…Unfredi de Bohun et Richardi filii eius necnon Ingulfi eiusdem loci canonici…" are named as witnesses at the court of William I King of England in the charter dated to [1081] which records an agreement between the monks of Marmoutier and "Gaufridus Nervei filius"[417]. Domesday Book records "Humphrey de Bohun" holding Tatterford in Norfolk[418]. A charter dated 1092 records the claim by "Richard de Mereio son of Humfrey de Bohonio" for a field near the monastery of Bohun from the monks of Marmoutier, a settlement being confirmed by the monks receiving "one of his little sons (parvulis) Humfrey…[to] teach him until he reached the age at which he could be a monk if he wished", with the consent of "uxor eius domina Luc[i]a et filii eius Rotbertus, Hainricus, Hunfridus, Havidis filia eorum" and witnessed by "Hunfrido patre eorum, Ricardo filio suo"[419]. Thomas Stapleton, in his "Observations on the Great Rolls of the Exchequer of Normandy" on the roll dated 1198, states that "Humphrey de Bohon" donated part of the fief of Puchay to the monastery of Saint-Leger at Préaux, with the consent of "his sons Robert and Richard", undated, but he does not cite the source reference[420].

m firstly ---. "Humfrey de Buhun" donated tithes to Rouen Saint-Amand "for himself and iii uxoribus suis" by charter dated to before 1066, signed by "Willelmi comitis et Normannorum ducis"[421].

m secondly ---. "Humfrey de Buhun" donated tithes to Rouen Saint-Amand "for himself and iii uxoribus suis" by charter dated to before 1066, signed by "Willelmi comitis et Normannorum ducis"[422].

m thirdly (before 1066) ---. "Humfrey de Buhun" donated tithes to Rouen Saint-Amand "for himself and iii uxoribus suis" by charter dated to before 1066, signed by "Willelmi comitis et Normannorum ducis"[423].

Humphrey [I] & his [first/second/] wife had six children:
2. RICHARD de Méry (-before 1131).
3. INGELRAM [Ingulf] (-after 1093).
4. daughter . Nun at Saint-Leger, Préaux
5. daughter . Nun at Saint-Leger, Préaux.
6. ADELA de Bohun (-after 1130).

Humphrey & his [third] wife had one child:
7. HUMPHREY [II] de Bohun (-[1128/29]).